PINK Stories: Patty

My name is Patty, I found a lump in my breast in November of 2014.  This is how I tell my story.  

Breast cancer saved my life because I did not know that I also had a second primary cancer in my kidney - which would have gone on silently until it killed me. Several surgeries later — chemo and radiation — I stumbled across information about a group of breast cancer survivors doing Dragon Boating.

What?! I wanted to participate so badly, but I was in survival mode.  I went through a divorce, completed the degree and licensure I had been working on prior to my diagnosis and focused on keeping my "head above water". 

In 2022 I was diagnosed again with Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer to the left lung. Stage Four! It tends to try and take the wind out of your sails.  More surgery, more chemo. Lifelong treatment now.  Like a ray of hope, I saw an advertisement for the DUC Dragon Boating again!  I'd forgotten!  I "passed GO, did not collect $200" and went to an orientation meeting!  I was so excited, I cried on the way home determined to LIVE and DO the things that I could not do before.  I signed up and have not looked back.  

Dragon Boating has put spring in my step, gotten me out of a survival, sedentary lifestyle, where I was only living to work/survive.  DUC Pink has given me the opportunity to move, breathe, get on the water, sweat, PLAY, work hard at playing, and make cherished new friends.  I am so thankful for this opportunity to paddle with them and NOW, FRANCE?! What?!! We will be competing in the “Olympics of Breast Cancer Survivor Dragon Boating” along side 4,500 other survivors in the French Apls.  A DREAM COME TRUE. 


PINK Stories: Rachel P.